Originally from the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Joshua Tomlinson is a composer, sound designer, and educator specializing in electroacoustic music and technology.
Joshua completed his DMA in Composition at the University of Oklahoma in May 2019. He is currently Instructor and Area Coordinator of Music Technology at the University of North Florida.
His compositions have been performed at national and international conferences and festivals including PARMA, NSEME, SEAMUS, EA Barndance, EMM, the Royal Music Association (UK), SMC (Málaga, Spain), and the Australasian Computer Music Conference (Melbourne, Australia).
Joshua serves on the steering committee of the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival and has participated as a composer and audio technician at NYCEMF since 2012.
He accepts commissions to compose original music for film, solo performance, ensembles, dance companies, and visual art installations.
He and his wife Hannah share their Jacksonville home with a lemon tree and four cats.