Wind Symphony World Premier of Trial By Fire
Nov 15, 2021
Under the baton of Dr. Erin Bodnar, the UNF Wind Symphony premiered Trial by Fire November 15. The new commissioned work by Joshua Tomlinson is three movements of broad dynamics, exploring the phases of grief from shock and denial to anger to ultimate acceptance. Challenging in both its complexity and simplicity, Dr. Bodnar said the work pushed the student performers in new ways.
Welcome to the School of Music!
May 22, 2020
Welcome to the School of Music! Dr. Joshua Tomlinson is a composer and sound designer whose compositions have been performed at national and international conferences and festivals including PARMA, NSEME, SEAMUS, EA Barndance, EMM, the Royal Music Association (UK), SMC (Málaga, Spain), and the Australasian Computer Music Conference (Melbourne, Australia). He is currently Visiting Lecturer of Composition and Technology at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Tomlinson completed his DMA in Composition …
The fifth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation hosted artists and heard papers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Among the works accepted for performance, Joshua Tomlinson performed his electronic theater piece for typewriter and lamp titled "A Short Story". The work was driven by contact mics that triggered pre-recorded sounds representing the author's memories as he relives his past. Program Notes: https://www.smc2019.uma.es/articles/M2…
OU singers Serenade Overseas
Jun 18, 2019
Thirty-eight University of Oklahoma School of Music students, faculty and alumni waved 'goodbye' to Norman and said 'cześć' to Poland. The Zielinksi Singers, led by OU choral director Richard Zielinski, arrived in Poland May 20 then performed eight concerts in 13 days. "To do something like that in two weeks was just so much culture, so much music, so much friendship," singer Chancelor Barabee said. "I could not have asked for a better first time in Europe or out of this country in general." Zie…
"A Short Story" Performed at SMC 2019, Malaga, Spain
May 31, 2019
Composer Joshua Tomlinson performed his work "A Short Story" at the 16th Sound & Music Computing Conference (SMC) May 31, 2019 in Malaga, Spain. A story unfolded as the performer interacted with his instruments that also served as stage props - a typewriter and a lamp. Utilizing attached contact mics, they generated pre-recorded sounds to progress the narrative to its climactic conclusion. Event program available at: https://www.smc2019.uma.es/docs/SMC2019_Music_Program.pdf